We recently went on a trip to the southern Caribbean to the island of Curacao. It was heavenly. We had quite a number of adventures there including snorkeling to a sunken tugboat and riding an ostrich, but those are stories for another time. One of my favorite things about the island was the food. Every night I felt like I was touring a version of Top Chef Caribbean. I love sampling local eats when I travel. We poked our heads in every bakery we came across. They all smelled like coconut. Almost every bread we sampled had some sort of coconut element to it. My favorite pastry was a coconut sweet roll. It really was love at first bite and I knew I’d be replicating the recipe at home to share with all of you. I have two variations on this bread. A plain roll that is delightful on its own and a variation with a sugary coconut filling, kind of like a cinnamon roll, except without the cinnamon. You can easily make your batch half and half and decide which one you like best. Both are absolutely wonderful. Watch the video to see a step by step tutorial for making this delicious bread. I have an entire YouTube Channel filled with hundreds of video recipe tutorials where I walk you through the recipes every step of the way. Be sure to check it out and subscribe. Δ Δ

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