What kind of hot dogs should I use?

We recommend using a high quality hot dog for the best results. Looking for the words “all beef” on the packaging generally indicates a higher quality hot dog. Choose a hot dog that you like. You can make corn dogs using any shape of hot dog as well so you can choose long and skinny, or the short and fat kind. It’s all about your personal taste preferences.


Don’t have buttermilk? It’s easy to make your own buttermilk substitute! You’ll just need regular milk and a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice. Or try one of our other buttermilk substitute options.

Where can I buy popsicle sticks or craft sticks?

You can find popsicle or craft sticks in the craft section at major superstores like Walmart or Target. They can also often be found in grocery stores near the section where they sell other food related items like toothpicks and straws. Δ Δ

Disneyland Style Hand Dipped Corn Dogs - 9Disneyland Style Hand Dipped Corn Dogs - 33Disneyland Style Hand Dipped Corn Dogs - 46Disneyland Style Hand Dipped Corn Dogs - 15Disneyland Style Hand Dipped Corn Dogs - 72