Banana cake is one of the recipes everyone loves! We love banana bread and all, but nothing satisfies quite like banana cake. Kids, families and friends will love this moist cake recipe topped with cream cheese frosting. To make the best banana cake you’ll want to make sure your bananas are extra ripe. When you’re at the grocery store look for the bananas that have lots of brown speckles, especially if you want to make it right away. The more rip they are the more easier they will be too mash.

How to Mash Bananas: When you mash the bananas for this banana cake you can either use the back of a fork or a potato masher. Both will do the trick! Can I use frozen bananas? Of course! Whenever we have bananas turning brown in the house, we stick them in the freezer so that we always have ripe bananas ready for banana cake! Storage Instructions: Due to the cream cheese frosting, you will want to store this cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

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