Crust for Easy Peasy Pumpkin Pie:

For this recipe you will need an unbaked pie crust. You can make a homemade crust, use a frozen crust, or use a roll out pre-made crust. It doesn’t really matter what you choose so no judgment if you keep it super easy and use pre-made. This recipe uses a regular sized pie shell and NOT a deep dish. A deep dish pie plate (or frozen pie crust) is much deeper and requires about 50% more filling. I find that a shallow, regular sized pie is the perfect pie to crust ratio when it comes to pumpkin.

Pie Shield: Optional

Pies like this bake for quite a bit of time in the oven. Because every oven works just a bit differently you may or may want to add a pie shield halfway through baking. You can also make your own shield out of aluminum foil. Some ovens just brown more than others on top so keep an eye on that outer crust.

How to make pumpkin puree from scratch?

If you want to really develop your skills when it comes to pumpkin pies you could try making the pumpkin puree yourself. That’s right, like from a real pumpkin. I don’t recommend using jack’o’lantern pumpkins (the kind you carve). A sugar pumpkin is best if you can find it. It’s a smaller pumpkin. Ask your grocer! The basic idea behind pumpkin puree is that you have to cook the pumpkin and then just puree it. A pumpkin is no different than other winter squashes. First, remove the seeds. With a pumpkin it’s easier if you halve or quarter it. Second, cook it. You can make it at about 375 degrees for 45 minutes or so, or you can try steaming it which would take somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. Third, remove the skin. Once the pumpkin flesh has softened from cooking it can easily be scraped from the skin. Last, puree it up in a blender, food processor, or with a potato masher. If you like this recipe, you may be interested in these other delicious pumpkin recipes:

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal SmoothiesMoist Pumpkin BreadPumpkin Cinnamon RollsPerfect Pumpkin Pancakes


Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 63Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 12Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 56Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 97Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 45Easy Homemade Pumpkin Pie - 58