This fun recipe came about because my son wanted to have a Lego themed birthday party. I am not the craftiest person. In fact, I often refer to myself as the anti-craft. I just don’t have the patience for it! I knew I needed something super easy, and there’s not much easier than making rice krispie treats! These easy to make Lego loving treats are just traditional rice krispie treats cut into rectangles, frosted with icing, and topped with M&Ms. It’s quite simple, but you may need a few tips to get you through it. Clearly I’m not the craftiest person so I always need some tips to make things cute! The key to making this recipe work is to use icing. Icing is not frosting! It starts out as a thick liquid and hardens when exposed to air. This works great for this particular application as the icing melts into the rough surface of the Rice Krispie treat and creates a smooth and shiny surface, much like an actual Lego. Bonus, because the icing hardens they can be easily packaged without smearing! You should be able to find cookie icing all made up and dyed in the baking section of your supermarket. If you want to make your own homemade icing, you can find a recipe HERE, but that does complicate things so if you are shooting for an easy food craft, stick with store bought. You can use whatever colors you’d like, just make sure you have coordinating colors of M&Ms. TIPS:

Cool your rice krispies completely before cutting.Make sure the tops of your rice krispies are as even and flat as possibleUse one color of icing at a time because the icing will harden quickly.Spread the icing gently with a knife, but don’t add too much icing as it may spill over the edges.Place the M&Ms “m” side down so that the “m” doesn’t show


Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 40Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 18Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 10Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 83Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 62Lego Rice Krispie Treats - 18