How could you possibly go wrong with a chocolate version of sugar cookies? You just can’t! Make it Nutella and you have an irresistible cookie I tell ya. These sugar cookies are divine. You can definitely tell they are sugar cookies, but with the addition of nutella it just takes it over the top. You can decorate these cookies with icing, your just shove them in your face one after another. I won’t judge you as long as you don’t judge me! 

Why do I have to refrigerate the dough before I roll it out?

Refrigerating the dough will cause the fats in the dough to harden. The dough will get stiff making it easier to roll out. Cold dough also affects the cooking process as the cold fat hits the heat at a high temperature. We can get pretty scientific with this as fat provides numerous chemical functions when it comes to baking. The important thing to remember is that temperature matters. If a cookie recipe says to refrigerate, make sure you do it, otherwise you won’t end up with the right results. Δ Δ

Nutella Sugar Cookies - 9Nutella Sugar Cookies - 22Nutella Sugar Cookies - 19Nutella Sugar Cookies - 94Nutella Sugar Cookies - 83Nutella Sugar Cookies - 10