I have been getting CSA boxes for years. I think it was 6 years ago I got my first box. In case you aren’t familiar with CSA is stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically you hook up with a bunch of farmers and get their fresh produce delivered to you. It’s awesome. Not only have I experienced some amazing produce, I’ve also been introduced to new and interesting ingredients over the years. Pea Shoots are one of those ingredients I’ve been introduced to through a CSA box. They are literally the greens that snap peas grow on. They even kind of taste like snap peas. You can saute them and use them in various Asian cuisines, but one of my favorite ways to eat them is in a simple salad. I love being able to taste the peas and even add in some frozen peas to add to that wonderful pea flavor. This is a simple salad that is different enough to be fancy. It’s delicious, refreshing, and perfect for a spring or summer salad. Δ Δ

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